Grex is OK! Blue lines - RCA cable problem

Grex - Advanced digital video stabilizer with high quality S-Video support
DVD Red PRO - Copy & Capture Protected VHS and DVD

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Grex is OK! Blue lines - RCA cable problem

Post by dman »

I have been using my grex stabilizer for a couple weeks and everything was perfect. Today i tried recording something and there are blues lines scrolling over the screen. I'm trying to record from ATT U-VERSE reciever onto a dvd with a Magnavox dvd recorder. This was not a problem until today. I record alot of movies and tv shows. I recorded a tv show last night and it was fine... today, i get the scrolling blue bars on the screen. Please help. Thanks.

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Re: blue lines with grex

Post by xol »

Try to connect Grex output directly to TV and not via DVD Recorder. Tell us if you get clear picture this way.
More likely one of your video cables is not properly connected or has lost wires. To find out which cables you need to split system and see where the problem begins.

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Re: blue lines with grex

Post by dman »

replace an RCA cable and the lines are gone. Thanks!!!!!!!

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