Losing closed captions with Grex

Grex - Advanced digital video stabilizer with high quality S-Video support
DVD Red PRO - Copy & Capture Protected VHS and DVD

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Losing closed captions with Grex

Post by george7c »


My dvd recordings from AT&T Uverse using Grex unit have slowly stopped recording the closed captions. I am using a sony rdr-vx560 dvd recorder. The video and audio are still fine.

Anyone else experiencing this problem? Did you figure out the problem? Did you figure out the solution?


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Re: Losing closed captions with Grex

Post by xol »

First of all please check if CC are properly recorded without Grex.
Also please check if you can see CC watching Uverse directly on TV with and without Grex.

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Re: Losing closed captions with Grex

Post by george7c »

Yes my dvd recorder does record cc through Uverse without Grex.

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Re: Losing closed captions with Grex

Post by george7c »

I also see the cc on TV during the recording, ( in other words, while using the TV as a moniter connected to the output of the dvd recorder.)

So, you would think when I play back the dvd, the cc would be there, but is not! Why, I can't figure it out!

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Re: Losing closed captions with Grex

Post by xol »

Do you see the CC on TV if Grex is connected between player and recorder?

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Re: Losing closed captions with Grex

Post by george7c »

I am not sure what you mean by "player".
If by player, you mean Uverse box,then yes.

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Re: Losing closed captions with Grex

Post by xol »

That's what I mean. And the fact CC are passing Grex makes me think that the problem is in your recorder.

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Re: Losing closed captions with Grex

Post by george7c »

When I record channels through the Uverse box that are not blocked, without using the grex, the cc records well. Also, when I use an antenna instead of the box, the cc record well.
I'm afraid the problem and answer are not so simple, but complicated. Perhaps there is some interaction going on between the grex and the recorder and/or the box.
I wish there was a way I could rewire the recorder so that it would not sense the "not allowed to record this program" flag. That would solve all my problems.

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Re: Losing closed captions with Grex

Post by xol »

Can you try to check following connection:
Cable Box --> Grex -->TV and tell me if you get CC this way.
I want to be sure CC are OK on the Grex output.

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Re: Losing closed captions with Grex

Post by george7c »

Yes that is the way I always connect it. I did not know there was any other way. Are you familiar with this post on the http://www.avsforum.com/avs-vb/showthre ... p=16558855 website.

"Old 02-03-09, 08:11 PM #93 | Link

Join Date: Jan 2009
Posts: 24

Video stabilizers that preserve closed captions
After learning on its website that the Grex was supposed to preserve closed captions, I ordered one to use in backing up my copy-protected "mouseland" VHS tapes. To my disappointment, I have found that its preservation of closed captions is less than perfect. In two out of three attempts so far, there are numerous missing words and letters in the closed caption output from the Grex. It looks as if passing the video signal through the Grex weakens the closed caption component of the signal, causing parts of the captions to drop out and become unreadable.

I have no doubt that the Grex is the culprit. When I play a copy-protected tape directly from my VCR to my TV, the closed captions are perfect. Also, if I record a non-copy protected VHS from the VCR to the hard disk of my Magnavox 2160 DVDR and then play that recording on my TV, the closed captions are again perfect. It is only when, for copy-protected VHS, I put the Grex between the VCR and the Mag 2160 that the captions get garbled.

SO... what video stabilizer product would you folks recommend I get that will not garble closed captions by weakening the signal? Apart from the Grex, none of the others I have checked address the issue of closed captions on their websites, so I hope some of you folks have actually tried this on your units.

Thanks for your advice!"

Believe me, I'm not making this stuff up! I have better things to do with my time than pretend there is a problem when there isn't one!

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